Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quick update and LOTS of pictures!

Can I just say that I love life? I was thinking that today after I came home from me and Ezra's first trip out to the beach and the apartment pool alone together--I LOVE my life here. All the most important things are in place--I have a wonderful, caring husband and a sweet baby, and all three of us are happy and healthy and blessed to be so. Our extended families are also so wonderful and we love them so much. We are praying for the health of some, especially Tanner's uncle Wes who is going through some very difficult operations on his brain at this time, but we have faith in the Lord that this is His plan and that everything is going to be okay. We are blessed with wonderful friends. And we are blessed to be where we are right now, with Tanner going to a good podiatry school and doing so well so far. Miami is such a fun place to be, and our location couldn't be better. Our apartment is literally across the street from the beach (and I really mean "literally"), it's the perfect apartment for us as far as how big it is, how nice it is, and how much it costs (I will post pictures soon but I am waiting for us to get our pictures on the wall. I may just have to post before everything is finished.), and the complex is nice in that it has amenities like a pool and hot tub.

Anyways, I ran out of data on my phone, which is how I usually use the internet, so I am downstairs by the pool where they have wireless as I work on this post. Tanner and I traded off watching the baby and using the computer while the other one used the workout room, and now Tanner is done, so I will just finish up with some pictures of the little guy that everyone really wants to see. He is doing so well and growing up so fast! The hardest part of being here alone is that we have no family to share him with, thus the blog. For now, this is the one way you can all see how adorable he is. We love him so much. 

Here is a link to a video I took on the 16th. Ezra loves the camera so it is hard to get pictures or video of him smiling, even if he is almost giggling right before you pull it out. As soon as he sees it he gets serious. But this is my attempt to get a video:

Smiling at Momma:

Playing with his daddy:

Talking to Daddy:

And getting serious:

How he spends most of his time:

Telling Mom she is mean (Sometimes carseats are just no fun!):

Being adorable:

This is what he does, without fail, if you touch between his mouth and nose. We will have to post a video sometime of us touching and letting go. It is really funny. He squints, and lets go, squints, and lets go. It's like a little button.

And Tanner's birthday cake. Triple layer--chocolate chip cookie on the bottom, Oreos in the middle, Ghiradelli brownie on top. Terrible for you but absolutely delicious! I worked out three times to day to make up for it.

We love you all!


  1. I loved this post. I especially love his little between the mouth and nose quirk. I can't wait until we start seeing Harper's personality. Also, I keep wanting to talk to you but never having a good time. I think I'll either call you when I'm breastfeeding or tomorrow when we go down to S. Jordan.

  2. thanks for posting lots of pictures! You're a good photographer! And Ezra is really photogenic.
